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PO Box 2406
Edmond, Oklahoma 73083

The Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma


Oklahoma FFA Foundation

FFA Foundation Masonic Endowment

Did you know that Future Farmers of America (FFA) was created nearly a century ago by four Masons? FFA has been an Oklahoma staple for leadership and education across many generations, with thousands of Oklahoma students actively participating in FFA classwork and functions each year. In order to appropriately support this foundation of leadership and education in Oklahoma, the FFA Foundation Masonic Endowment was created in 2016.

As of December 2018, the Oklahoma FFA Foundation’s Masonic Fraternity of Oklahoma Endowment has been funded with the $1 million contribution goal. A check presentation was made to the FFA State Officers during National FFA Week. 

Please note, lodge contributions to local FFA Chapters are not part of the FFA Endowment Campaign. We praise lodges for their continued, robust support of local FFA chapters and encourage each lodge’s support of both this FFA Endowment initiative and their local FFA chapters. In this way, we can proudly support continued programming and scholarships which benefit Oklahoma FFA students in every area of the state.

Lodges and individuals may continue to add to the endowment at any time. Additions should be clearly noted “Oklahoma FFA Masonic Endowment” and sent to our office or to the Oklahoma FFA Foundation.

For more information about the FFA Foundation’s Masonic Endowment, please contact our office. THANK YOU for your support of continued FFA programming in Oklahoma.

Our Impact This Year

  • Student & Teacher of Today Nominations


  • Awarded to Nonprofits


  • Senior Essay Contest Submissions


Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma
PO Box 2406
Edmond, Oklahoma 73083