Nominations accepted March – May
Many students are recognized for their performance in athletics, but there is often little recognition for those whose scholarship, leadership, and personal and academic development make them truly outstanding men and women. Let us recognize your exceptional students and teachers!
History of the Student and Teacher of the Day Awards:
The Student and Teacher of Today award has been around for sixty years. The idea first came to bear in 1959 through the Education Committee, led by Brother Ferman Phillips, and it was designed to be a program of support for public schools in conjunction with American Education Week. An excerpt from a letter penned by then Grand Master, Ray K. Babb:
Our purpose is to get ourselves, our friends, and our neighbors into the schools so that our citizens may see and understand for themselves. This is more than a Masonic project. It is an American program in which masons are asked to participate. Who better than Freemasons to take the lead? Masons built this country with their toil and with their blood.
A letter then went out to all Masons explaining each step to this process and the why. In 1960 it came to be determined that one boy and one girl, who exemplified citizenship, leadership, and scholarship would be recognized as the winners. One teacher would also be chosen who demonstrated a commitment to the principles of loyalty, dedication, and helpfulness. “If Masonry is to continue to exercise an influence for a greater tomorrow,” said Brother Phillips, “free institutions such as public schools, must be understood, must be improved, must be protected, and supported.” In 1962, it was adopted that local lodges would take over the distribution and award ceremonies for their area schools. For many years Student and Teacher of Today has had a positive impact not only on local communities but with our lodges as well. The first full year of inception, 1961, saw a total of 584 students and 183 teachers win an award. In 2019 a grand total of 2,451 students and 869 teachers received the Student and Teacher of Today certificates.